
  • User-owned devices. All terminals are built for the option of grassroots ownership: roles of device owner and the store owner are separated, referral benefits can be customized in three different layers:

    • Distributors may set up to receive a fraction of fees from the devices they supplied;

    • Device owners may set up to receive fees from the stores they install their device in;

    • Stores may set up to receive a fraction of fees from the users who onboarded into crypto using their devices.

  • Fees and cashback. The network charges a small fee on all facilitated transactions and charges a bigger fee on transactions made through the DApps used on the terminals from the DApp marketplace. Users receive cashback from the network and may receive additional cashback from the store if the store provides it through a store DApp.

  • Proof-of-Stake network. All network validators (validating terminals and TEE Enclave nodes) stake the network token to provide economic security for the network. Validators receive PoS rewards from the limited inflation of the network token.

  • DApp governance. Applications accessible on terminals (both from the customer side and the merchant side) are curated by the decentralized community of network co-owners. Curation includes whitelisting DApps to be seen by terminals, app categories, and recommendation rankings. DApps can stake to have a limited increase in their marketplace visibility.

  • Network governance. The network is run by a decentralized governing body that sets up all critical network parameters, including limits on fees, governance structure, network upgrades, economic decisions, etc.

Last updated